Save, Save As, and Send BOM...
Within Bommer for SOLIDWORKS, there are three different buttons that control how you export your bill of materials.

In the Bommer add-in task-pane, you will see the following three export options in the toolbar:
Save: This will save your BOM to an Excel file in the same folder and with the same name as your top level assembly. You will still have control over whether to export only the current view or all columns; and only the current rows or all rows.
Save As: This will allow you to save your BOM to a file you specify. After completing the export form, Bommer will ask you to select a file. Select Excel or CSV from the "Save As Type" dropdown, give it a name and location, and press OK to save the file.
Send BOM...: This option will save your BOM to an Excel file, start your default mail client, and open a new mail with the BOM attached. This is useful for quickly sharing a BOM with your colleagues, vendors, or other interested parties.
Each of these options will go through the same export process; the only difference is where the file is saved (or how it is handled) after it is exported.
Save: This will save your BOM to an Excel file in the same folder and with the same name as your top level assembly. You will still have control over whether to export only the current view or all columns; and only the current rows or all rows.
Save As: This will allow you to save your BOM to a file you specify. After completing the export form, Bommer will ask you to select a file. Select Excel or CSV from the "Save As Type" dropdown, give it a name and location, and press OK to save the file.
Send BOM...: This option will save your BOM to an Excel file, start your default mail client, and open a new mail with the BOM attached. This is useful for quickly sharing a BOM with your colleagues, vendors, or other interested parties.
Each of these options will go through the same export process; the only difference is where the file is saved (or how it is handled) after it is exported.
Controlling what you export
In all of the export options described above, you will need to complete the Export dialog (pictured below). This dialog lets you tailor the format and content of your exported BOM.

Template: This is where you would select an export template if you have created and added one. This allows you to export your data into a pre-formatted Excel worksheet. More about this can be found in our guide here.
Properties: This lets you control whether to export the current view (i.e. the current properties visible in the live view), or all properties configured within Bommer. Selecting All Properties will export all properties that you have configured within Bommer, even the ones not displayed in your live view. This is not available if you select a template, as the template will describe what properties it needs to export.
Data: This lets you control whether to export the currently visible rows (i.e. the rows that pass the currently selected filters) or All Rows (ignoring the quick and custom filters). Note that even All Rows does not include items that have been marked as "Exclude from BOM" unless you also select Show hidden components from the filter menu (see Filtering your bill of materials for more info).
Properties: This lets you control whether to export the current view (i.e. the current properties visible in the live view), or all properties configured within Bommer. Selecting All Properties will export all properties that you have configured within Bommer, even the ones not displayed in your live view. This is not available if you select a template, as the template will describe what properties it needs to export.
Data: This lets you control whether to export the currently visible rows (i.e. the rows that pass the currently selected filters) or All Rows (ignoring the quick and custom filters). Note that even All Rows does not include items that have been marked as "Exclude from BOM" unless you also select Show hidden components from the filter menu (see Filtering your bill of materials for more info).
Using a pre-formatted export template
If you have created a custom template before and you select it in the template drop-down then your export window may change depending on parameters defined in the template.

Template Parameters has appeared, and the template we selected asks for 4 input parameters (these can be used to populate cells, used as variables in a formula, or used in the file name as. illustrated above. Thay are read in from the template when it is added to Bommer). If you have exported this template before, Bommer will load the last values you entered in.
This example template is for preparing an RFQ with Bommer data. It is asking for quote number and project number to include in the RFQ, as well as the assembly quantity, and a minimum order quantity, which can be used in formulas to determine how many of each part we are requesting for the quote. More information about templates and what you can do with them can be found here; they are a powerful feature driven off of Bommer's export capability.
This example template is for preparing an RFQ with Bommer data. It is asking for quote number and project number to include in the RFQ, as well as the assembly quantity, and a minimum order quantity, which can be used in formulas to determine how many of each part we are requesting for the quote. More information about templates and what you can do with them can be found here; they are a powerful feature driven off of Bommer's export capability.
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