Bommer uses "builtins" to expose built-in values (e.g. values we compute (such as quantity), and values we pull directly from SOLIDWORKS such as part name or mass properties) as properties in your bill of materials.
Some built-in properties are editable, which allows Bommer users to change built-in values in SOLIDWORKS by editing their Bommer bill of materials. Others are read-only, and simply represent the value that SOLIDWORKS holds for that property.
The following builtin values are available for use (grouped according to their function):
Bommer values
Item Number
An item number for each row in the bill of materials. In a hierarchical bill of materials, this will be formatted as "x.y.z", e.g. "1.1.2" is the second component of the first sub-subassembly of the first subassembly in the design. This property is read-only, and the root component item number is always empty.
Sort Order Item Number
An item number for each row in the bill of materials, adjusted to match your sort order. Similar to Item Number (above) but these numbers are reassigned if your BOM sorting property or direction changes. This property is read-only, and the root component item number is always empty.
Collapse Configurations
A flag to tell Bommer to ignore configuration name when building bill of materials line items. When unchecked, Bommer will treat different configurations of a part as different lines (with separate quantities); when checked, Bommer will combine rows (and quantities) of any configuration of a part. This is primarily useful when viewing/editing an assembly BOM.
The computed "each" quantity of a part or subassembly within the bill of materials. The quantity value is influenced by whether the bill of materials is hierarchical or flattened, and part quantity in an assembly can be influenced by the referenced configurations of each part instance (see Collapse Configurations above). This is read-only.
Assembly Quantity
The total number of a particular component at a particular assembly/subassembly level in the whole assembly, without having to flatten the BOM and lose your hierarchical structure. This is different than Quantity for parts in subassemblies: a part’s Quantity represents the number of parts that make up one of its parent assembly, and the Assembly Quantity represents the number that make up all of its parents' subassembly. This property is read-only.
The path of this component in the assembly (from the root of the assembly). This shows the names of the components from the root (i.e. top-level assembly) that lead to this component in your assembly. This is read-only.
Has Children
A flag to indicate if a component has or does not have children. A component can have children if it is a subassembly, and Hide Children is not checked; a complex weldment assembly (stored in a multi-body part) can also have children. This is read-only.
Added Line Item
A flag to indicate that Bommer added this line item (and the underlying component). This will be checked for components added via Add line item... Bommer feature; items that Bommer has added can have their quantity overridden. This is read-only through the Bommer table but will be set for all parts added by Bommer.
Can delete from BOM
A flag to indicate whether or not a user can delete a line item and its underlying components. When checked, Bommer displays a "Delete row" option on the right-click menu for a row. Deleting a row will also delete all corresponding components within SOLIDWORKS, so currently it is only set to true for components added by Bommer. This is read-only through the Bommer table but will be set for all parts added by Bommer.
SOLIDWORKS properties
The name of the part, subassembly, or top-level design, pulled from SOLIDWORKS. This will be the name of this component in the feature browser, absent any instance information (e.g. <1>). This may not be the same as the document file name if a component's name had previously been overridden in SOLIDWORKS. This is read-only within Bommer.
The name of the active or referenced configuration for the part represented by this line item. This corresponds to the Name field in a configuration's property manager page. By default, different configurations of a part are displayed in different line items (see Collapse Configurations above). This is read-only within Bommer.
Configuration Description
The description of the active or referenced configuration for the part represented by this line item. This corresponds to the Description field in a configuration's property manager page. This is read-only within Bommer.
Document Path
The file system path of the file that SOLIDWORKS loads for a part or assembly. This is read-only within Bommer.
Exclude from BOM
A flag that indicates whether or not a component is excluded from the bill of materials. This maps directly to the Exclude from BOM flag within a component's properties in SOLIDWORKS, with one difference: because Bommer operates on groups of component instances, checking this box for a line item in Bommer will exclude all included instances (instead of excluding a single instance at a time).
BOM Table Part Number
A property that uses the "Part number displayed when used in a bill of materials" option in the SOLIDWORKS configuration "Bill of Materials Options" to display the correct part number for a part or assembly, e.g. Document Name, Configuration Name, "Link to Parent Configuration", or User Specified Name. Bommer interprets these options to display the correct Bill of Materials part number for a part or subassembly. This property is also editable through Bommer; when you edit this property in Bommer, it changes the part number option to User Specified Name for the active or referenced configuration for that line item.
The name (defined above as Name) of the subassembly that owns this part or subassembly; for the root component, this will always be empty. This is read-only.
Hide Children
A flag to indicate whether a subassembly's children should be hidden or visible within the bill of materials. This property maps to the "Child component display when used as a subassembly" option in the configuration "Bill of Materials" option: when checked, the configuration option is set to "Hide".
Document Units
The name of the units system selected in the part or subassembly. This value corresponds to the unit system name that is displayed in the bottom right of SOLIDWORKS when a part or assembly is opened and can be convenient for viewing the units configured for parts in an assembly without opening each part. This is read-only.
Read Only
A flag to indicate whether or not a SOLIDWORKS file is read-only on the file system. This can also be used as a rough proxy for whether or not a part is checked out from EPDM (i.e. un-checked out parts are read-only by default). This is read-only from within Bommer.
Last Saved By
The user name of the last user to save a part or assembly document. This is read directly out of the document data provided by SOLIDWORKS, and corresponds to the $PRP:"SW-Last Saved By" SOLIDWORKS property. This is read-only within Bommer.
Last Saved Date
The date of the last time this part or assembly document was saved in SOLIDWORKS. This is read directly out of the document data provided by SOLIDWORKS, and corresponds to the $PRP:"SW-Last Saved Date" SOLIDWORKS property. This is read-only within Bommer.
A thumbnail image representing a small isolated screenshot of the part or subassembly. Bommer uses the SOLIDWORKS preview image (which is the same image displayed in the File Open dialog). automatically frame and capture these images, though at the time they are only visible in Excel spreadsheet exports. This is read-only.
Is Resolved
A flag that indicates if a part or subassembly is resolved. Unresolved (e.g. lightweight) parts do not expose custom properties, but can still provide some built-in information. This is read-only in Bommer.
Is Visible
A flag that indicates if a part or subassembly is visible or hidden in SOLIDWORKS. This corresponds to the "Hide components"/"Show components" menu items in the Feature Manager (and is different suppressed, excluded, or envelope settings). This is read-only in Bommer.
Has Drawing
A flag that indicates if a part or assembly has a drawing. This follows the same logic as the "Open Drawing" SOLIDWORKS menu item: it is true if a .slddrw file exists in the same folder as the part or assembly, with the same base filename as the part or assembly. This is read-only in Bommer.
Drawing Path
The file path to the drawing file, or empty if a drawing file is not found. This uses the same logic as the Has Drawing flag. This is read-only in Bommer.
BOM Quantity Property
The property (if any) selected for a part's "BOM Quantity", configured in SOLIDWORKS’s property dialog to specify an alternate value for quantity in SOLIDWORKS BOM tables. Please note, this setting does not influence the Bommer Quantity property, and is designed to be used as information or to configure export templates. See here for more information on this SOLIDWORKS feature:
Physical properties
Physical properties represent information such as mass, volume, dimensions, and other physical attributes of the part or subassembly. Because SOLIDWORKS lets you use parts and assemblies that mix units systems, Bommer will convert all physical property values to the units system of the top-level assembly.
Area, Density, Mass, Volume
The four physical properties of a component, computed by using SOLIDWORKS built-in mass calculations for the bodies within a part or assembly component. Because we compute values based on included bodies, we do not display these values for subassembly components. We do, however, display mass properties for the top-level assembly as a spot check. These values are to the units of the top-level design. These properties are read-only and do not currently work in Large Assembly Mode.
The physical material for a component, as pulled from SOLIDWORKS. This is read-only.
X-Axis Dimension, Y-Axis Dimension, Z-Axis Dimension
The axis-aligned lengths of the 3-dimensional tight bounding box around a component's bodies and aligned to the coordinate system of the component. These properties can be used to compute cut lists for tubes, boards, and other parts cut from stock. These are primarily useful for parts that are not weldments; they can be used with weldments, but Bommer also supports weldment properties that can be more accurate (see below). These properties are read-only.
Sheet metal properties
These properties only apply to sheet metal parts with cut list items; when Bommer reads the cut list items, it will attempt to populate these properties. For all other parts, these properties will be empty.
Similar to Physical properties, Bommer will convert most sheet metal property values to the units system of the top-level assembly (all values except Sheet Metal Bend Allowance when Bend Allowance Type is set to K-factor).
Sheet Metal Bend Allowance
This is the bend allowance, deduction, bend table result, or K-factor, depending on the bend allowance type for the part. It corresponds directly to the value entered in the "Bend allowance" section of SOLIDWORKS's sheet metal feature attributes. For all types other than K-Factor, this value will be scaled to the units and precision of the top-level document (e.g. when a sheet metal part is used in an assembly). This is read-only in Bommer.
Sheet Metal Bend Allowance Type
A multiple-choice property that can be Bend allowance, Bend deduction, Bend table, Bend calculation table, or K-Factor. This is read directly from the sheet metal feature attributes. This is read-only in Bommer.
Sheet Metal Bend Radius
The bend radius of the sheet metal part. This is read from the Bend Radius property of the sheet metal cut list item. Like other physical properties, this is scaled to the units and precision of the top-level document. This is read-only in Bommer.
Sheet Metal Thickness
The thickness of the sheet metal part. This is read from the Sheet Metal Thickness property of the sheet metal cut list item. Like other physical properties, this is scaled to the units and precision of the top-level document. This is read-only in Bommer.
Weldment Properties
Weldment Length
The length of the weldment cut list item. This is read from the LENGTH property for a weldment cut list item. Like other physical properties, this is scaled to the units and precision of the top-level document. This is read-only in Bommer.
Weldment Angle1
The angle1 property of the weldment cut list item. This is read from the ANGLE1 property for a weldment cut list item. Like other physical properties, this is scaled to the units and precision of the top-level document. This is read-only in Bommer.
Weldment Angle2
The angle2 property of the weldment cut list item. This is read from the ANGLE2 property for a cut list item. Like other physical properties, this is scaled to the units and precision of the top-level document. This is read-only in Bommer.
Weldment Total Length
The total length of weldments using the profile of the cut list item. This is read to the TOTAL LENGTH property for a weldment cut list item. Like other physical properties, this is scaled to the units and precision of the top-level document. This is read-only in Bommer.
Obsolete and unused properties
There are several properties that appear in Bommer that were used to support functionality that has been retired or are currently not used for their intended purposes, but we have not removed them from the list. These properties should not be used, but if they demonstrate functionality that you would like to see in Bommer, please send us a note!
A flag to indicate that the part was a fastener assigned to a threaded hole. Bommer can read and display threaded hole wizard holes found within your model, and in the past had functionality to associate fasteners with holes in order to ensure all required parts are accounted for in the bill of materials. This feature is currently being reimagined.
Hole Size
A text property displaying the size of the hole a fastener part has been assigned to, as read from the hole wizard data. Like Fastener, this is no longer used while the feature is undergoing improvements.
Is Valid
A software troubleshooting flag that will be false if the SOLIDWORKS API has deleted objects that Bommer is holding in reference. This was exposed to help troubleshoot specific issues reading data from large complex assemblies. It is included in the builtin properties list as a tool to troubleshoot BOM issues but is not useful in normal operation (as we expect it to always be true when things are working normally).
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