Once the table is designed in the
"Export table image..." command, press OK to save the image and start the placement process. A prompt will appear to name and save the table image. Select a destination, enter a filename, and press OK. After that is complete, another dialog will immediately open; this is from the Fusion 360 Insert Image command. Select the image you just saved to bring it into Fusion 360.

Placing the image
After selecting the image in the File dialog, you will see a small preview space that the image will occupy that follows your mouse.

Once the location is chosen click to place the table, and press OK on the Insert Image dialog box.

Resizing the table
Initially, the inserted table may be small and hard to read. Since this is just an image, you can move it into place, and you can resize it. To resize it, you can specify a scale factor in the Insert Image dialog (a scale factor of 1.8 worked excellently in our testing), or you can click and drag a corner of the image to expand or contract it.

Drag one of the corners and a preview box will appear.

Now the table is expanded and much readable.
Here is an animated GIF illustrating the whole process:

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