Starting with version 1.10.24232.2331, Bommer for Fusion has a redesigned Edit bill of materials command available for preview. This new command redesigns the Edit bill of materials table to work with spreadsheet like editing, resizable columns, keyboard navigation. Read on to learn more.
Heads up: The new Edit Bill of Materials table is preview functionality
We are excited to launch this feature for our users to explore and give early feedback. To learn more about how we release and support preview functionality, please read our preview features guide.
Enabling the new Edit bill of materials redesign preview
To enable the preview, expand the Bommer dropdown in the Utilities tab, and click on Enable Edit Bill of Materials redesign (preview)…
There is a confirmation dialog that explains the functionality and also some information about how we treat preview functionality.
After clicking OK, the new functionality explained in this guide will be available for use.
A quick tour of what’s new
Spreadsheet-Style Editing
Bommer’s new bill of materials table behaves similar to your favorite spreadsheet program. You can navigate the table utilizing the keyboard, type to start editing a cell, and use keyboard shortcuts to delete, copy, and paste. You can enter formulas directly within the cells or use the formula bar at the top. And you can use shortcuts to create and quickly populate row filters.
Navigating the table
You can use arrow keys or your mouse to select cells in the table. When navigating with your arrow keys, a cell will become selected once you arrow to it. A selected cell is indicated by a blue border and a light blue background.
When navigating with the mouse, the cell the mouse hovers over will show a black border. This cell is not selected yet; the black border indicates that the cell will be selected if you click your mouse button.
Editing cells
Once you have selected a cell, either by using your arrow keys or clicking into a cell, you can start typing to clear and enter text in the selected cell or press Enter or F2 to start editing at the end of the current value. For multiple choice fields, either action will open the multiple choice dropdown, and typing into the cell will start to filter the results. When editing a cell’s value, the border will be larger and more emphasized than the previous border.
You can press Enter to save your edits or Escape to discard your edits. You can also use F2 to toggle focus between the cell and the formula bar (for editing more complex values or formulas).
Deleting values and clearing cells
To delete a value from a cell, select it and then press the Delete key on your keyboard.
When Fusion is focused
When you are interacting with Fusion (i.e. clicking outside of the Bommer window, into the design or browser tree), Bommer will not receive keyboard input. To alert you when this happens, Bommer will appear greyed out.
To reactivate Bommer, click into the window. This will remove the greyed out appearance.
Copy and Pasting
You can copy values from table cells and paste values into cells in the table by using your standard copy and paste keyboard shortcuts: once you have a cell selected, press Cmd-C (on macOS) or Ctrl-C (on Windows) to copy the value to your clipboard. Select the cell you want to contain that value, and press Cmd-V (on macOS) or Ctrl-V (on Windows) to paste the contents of the clipboard into that cell. An edit from a paste behaves is otherwise exactly the same as any other edit, and you can paste in any values (not just values copied from other Bommer table cells).
The cut operation is not implemented at this time, but you can perform the same function by copying a cell value, deleting the cell value, and then pasting the value into the target cell.
Undo and Redo
All editing operations in the table are undoable and redo-dable. To undo an edit click the undo button in the toolbar:
To redo an undone edit, press the redo button in the toolbar. The buttons will disable when there is nothing to undo or redo.
Please note at this time that Fusion captures all undo/redo keyboard shortcuts (i.e. Cmd/Ctrl-Z). We are working to fix this, but in the mean time, use the buttons to undo or redo an edit in Bommer.
Read Only Field
The lock icon denotes that a column or cell is a read only value. This value cannot be edited within Bommer.
Combine by
You can combine the rows in your BOM by one of the columns in the table (e.g. combine your rows by Part Number). This enables workflows where separate rows (e.g. mirrored components, copied components) share the same part number and should be combined into the same table row. To combine rows by a property, hover over any cell in that column, click on the 3 dots that appear next to the property name, and click the “Combine rows by …” menu item. Bommer will roll up the rows and combine them by the property present in this particular column.
Settings and Filters
Filters and Settings have been moved from their location in the old command. To access your filters, click on the Filter icon in the toolbar. To access your table settings, click on the Gear icon.
Please see our guide on filtering to learn more about filtering in the Edit Bill of Materials table.
Expanding the column width
To resize your table column, hover over the lines between column names until your cursor changes to the line with the two arrows then click and drag until you have achieved your preferred size.
Hamburger Menu and opening individual components
By pressing the hamburger (the 3 lines) you can open a menu that will allow you to open an individual component. Your options are to open a component in a separate tab within Fusion or open it in Autodesk Fusion Team. Pressing Open in Autodesk Teams will launch the link in your default web browser.
Other functionality
Other than what is listed above, the new command behaves similar to our old command. For more information on what the old table can do please check out our guide here.
Disabling the preview and using the old command
At any time during the preview, you can disable the new Edit bill of materials command and revert to the old command. To do so, open the Bommer dropdown and click on the Disable Edit Bill of Materials redesign (preview)… option. You can read more about enabling and disabling previews in our preview features guide.
Feedback and reporting bugs
This feature is in preview functionality, and we really appreciate you taking the time to try it out!. Please report any bugs or feedback to us by emailing or by pressing Submit a request at the top of this page. If you have any suggestions to make it better or features you’re eager to see implemented, please let us know that too. We appreciate your help in this endeavor. Also no bug or request is too small, so please don’t hesitate to let us know what you think!
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