There's a lot of things you can do with Bommer to help you spend less time on your bill of materials (BOM). This guide covers the "1, 2, 3" of getting started, but there's more to explore by looking at related articles in each section.
Define the columns in your BOM
You can use the Settings dialog to define what data you want to capture in your bill of materials. Click here to find our guide on customizing your Bommer properties!
Edit the data in your BOM
There are two ways to edit the data in your BOM from within the add-in. For a full explanation on how to use Bommer to keep your BOM data correct, organized, and within easy reach click here and here.
Export your BOM
Bommer can export your BOM to an Excel spreadsheet or a CSV file with just a few button clicks! For our guide on how to export your bill of materials easily and with no hassle click here.
1 comment
Hi, when in a drawing and inserted a new BOMMER BOM I just get the first 2 lines like the BOM title and the next line with the different fields. I'm having a problem with accessing the pull-down menu to select which fields to include and or edit. Please help?
Regards John
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