Through the table commands button
Bommer allows you to control the live view from a button placed between the flatten BOM button and the edit views button.
Pressing the buttons in the drop-down will activate the command. The keyboard shortcuts for the same commands can be seen on the right side of the dropdown.
Through right-clicking
Right-clicking any cell in the Bommer live view will also open up a shortcut dialogue. Some of the commands listed there are more specific to the column, row, or cell that was selected.
Through keyboard shortcuts
Bommer supports several keyboard shortcuts for quickly navigating the table:
Home moves to the first cell in the current row.
End moves to the last cell in the current row.
Ctrl-Home moves to the top-left of the table.
Ctrl-End moves to the bottom-right of the table.
Ctrl-PageUp moves to the topmost visible cell in the current column
Ctrl-PageDown moves to the bottommost visible cell in the current column
Ctrl-F brings up a dialog box to collect text to search for, and moves to the next cell in the table that contains this text. Pressing Ctrl-F repeatedly will repeat this action, with the last search value prepopulated; you can then press Enter to search for the next occurrence of the same value.
Shift-Ctrl-F works the same way, but searches in reverse.
Ctrl-O/Shift-Ctrl-O will search for the next or previous occurrence of the current value within the current column.
Ctrl-J brings up a dialog box to collect an item number, and will jump to the corresponding line item in the table.
Shift-Ctrl-J brings up a dialog box to collect a row number (where the first row is row 1), and will jump to the corresponding row in the table.
Ctrl-] will jump to the next expandable row’s expand cell. Pressing space when this is selected will expand or contract the row and show or hide its children.
Ctrl-[ will jump to the previous expandable row’s expand cell.
Ctrl-1, Ctrl-2...Ctrl-0 will expand the table so that the requested level is expanded and all descendents are hidden E.g. Ctrl-1 will expand the top row and hide children; Ctrl-2 will expand the top row and direct children, etc. Ctrl-0 expands to the 10th level.
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