When working with linked/cross-referenced parts, there is one additional step you must perform (after editing and/or saving the assembly) to ensure your edits are stored in the linked part file: you must push your edits to that part. The "Push edits to linked components..." is the Bommer command that actually modifies the linked part, creating a new version of that document and updating the reference within the currently opened assembly. This step finalizes the editing process for linked components.
The "Push edits to linked components..." command
The "Push edits to linked components..." command appears in the Bommer dropdown menu when there are edits to be pushed to linked components (when there are edits that need to be pushed, the "Edit bill of materials..." command icon will also change to
). Click on the command in the menu to open the command dialog.
On this screen, you can control which linked design you want to push to (or click the top checkbox to select all of them) and specify the version description Bommer will use when saving new versions. You can also see any additional designs that Bommer will need to modify in order to ensure all version references are updated correctly. Checking and unchecking Edited designs will include or exclude those designs in the Push, and may also impact additional designs that Bommer needs to change.
Once you press OK, Bommer will open, edit, and save each selected Edited Design and all of identified Additional Designs that is checked. It will also ensure each version reference is updated at each step. You can then save the open design to save a new version of your assembly with updated references.
There is additional configuration located under the Advanced group. Push edits functions best in most cases when these checkboxes are left as default, but they can help work around some specific use cases:
- Save documents and update references? - If this is unchecked, Bommer will open and apply edits to the selected Edited Designs but it will not save new versions of those documents. This can be useful if you are planning to make additional changes to those designs and do not want to save a separate version.
- Run in background? - If this is unchecked, Bommer will ask Fusion to open each document in a separate tab. Note: currently, this is inoperable due to a bug within the Fusion API. As a result, unchecking it does not have any effect.
- Wait for file uploads? - If this is unchecked, Bommer will not wait for confirmation from Fusion that a saved design has been fully uploaded to the Autodesk cloud before attempting to update references to that document. This can be faster but can result in situations where Bommer cannot update a reference to the latest version.
Automatic edits when opening a document
Alternatively, if you open a linked document that has edits that have not been pushed, Bommer will automatically update the bill of materials data for that document; then, when you save the document, those changes will be saved as well. This is as functionally "as good" as pushing edits from the assembly, in a different workflow. In either case, if you cancel the operation (by either canceling the push edits command, or closing an automatically edited document without saving, the edits will not be lost; you can re-open the push edits command or the document(s) when you are ready to push those edits to the linked component(s).
Fusion 360 must be online to push edits
Due to a bug within Fusion 360, we cannot open documents to be saved from Bommer when Fusion 360 is in offline mode, and so we cannot push changes in this mode. You can still open the document, let Bommer apply the edits, and save the file yourself; or you can switch to online mode and use the Bommer push command.
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