First have you tried....
We have a guide on some easy solutions to fix missing Bommer located here.
Bommer is still gone?
It sounds like one of the Bommer configuration files on your machine (called settings.json) may have gotten corrupted. The fix is pretty easy:
- Stop Bommer
- Then go your Bommer files (see and rename settings.json to settings.json.old
- Then restart Bommer.
This should get you back up and running!
What about my properties?
If you added any additional custom properties or customized your properties in Bommer, you may need to re-add these (these are stored in your settings.json). The data is still in your files, Bommer just isn't configured to read them. If you have a backup of your data files, you can restore your backup settings.json; if you exported your properties to a .bpm file, you can use our Settings screen to import those properties. If there are complications here or you have questions please reach out to prior to following the above steps.
Mind doing us a favor?
This is an ongoing issue that we are trying to resolve. Knowing what version of Bommer you are on would help but also if you would be so kind to send us that settings.json.old to we would appreciate that!
Still nothing?
Please reach out to us and we would be happy to assist you and your team with getting Bommer up and running! The email to reach out to is;
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